Citizen Action Research
Understanding and mapping the full generosity ecosystem and its varied philosophies and values across the globe, for a more resilitent social sector
Donation Trends Dashboards
A space for data providers and researchers to explore dashboards related to donaton trends in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector
GivingTuesday Global Awareness Survey
Join this research hub to explore GivingTuesday survey data and get insight into potential donor awareness, participation, and motivation levels
Giving Omnibus International Survey
Join this research hub to explore GivingTuesday survey data and get insight into potential donor awareness, participation, and motivation levels
US Giving Survey
Join this research hub to explore GivingTuesday survey data and get insight into potential donor awareness, participation, and motivation levels
GivingTuesday Mexico
A research hub where GivingTuesday leaders and researchers explore data around GivingTuesday transactions in Mexico!
GivingTuesday United States
A research hub for GivingTuesday leaders and researchers to explore data around GivingTuesday transactions in the US
GivingTuesday Australia
A research hub where GivingTuesday leaders and researchers explore data, reports, and other tools around GivingTuesday in Australia!
GivingTuesday Brasil
More details coming shortly!