Quarterly Fundraising Report™

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

  • Donors: The number of people who have made a donation so far this year
  • Dollars: The amount of money raised by people making a donation so far this year
  • Retention: The percentage of people who have been retained from previous years so far this year

Key Insights

  • Q1 shows a 4.1% increase in dollars raised, while reporting a continued decline of -1.3% and -3.0% in donors and retention metrics, respectively. While still negative, the rate of decline in the number of donors appears to be decelerating from the sharp -10.3% drop reported in 2022, suggesting a potential reversal.
  • The smallest donors saw a double digit decline in participation, which is nearly twice the decline observed among other donor categories, accounting for around 75% of the overall decrease in donor numbers. This trend, consistent with Q1 2023, suggests that small donors contribute less at the beginning of the year.
  • The International, Foreign Affairs cause category saw the largest YOY increase (9.6%), which is likely attributed to aid and relief campaigns caused by international conflicts.


(+/- 1.5%)
YOY change

(+/- 1.5%)
YOY change

(+/- 0.5%)
YOY change
  • In this report, we compare data compiled from previous years to 2024. All metrics are computed up to Q1 (from January of a given year to the end of March of the same year).
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Current Dataset

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

Key Limitations

  • Data in our panel is limited to organizations with >=3 years of data, with $5K - $25M received in the prior year, via the Growth in Giving database.
  • Data is weighted across size of organization as determined by amount fundraised, including organizations raising between $5K - $25M.
  • Data is also weighted by NTEE (National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities) codes utilized by the IRS to determine organization type and/or cause.
  • A significant amount of data arrives late, so we estimate the difference for top-line metrics by reviewing historical patterns of delayed data. Throughout this report, ranges for each metric express uncertainty in the estimates.


in 2024

in 2024

in 2024
  • Revenue and retention metrics report on year-to-date (YTD) performance compared against the prior year total, based on a panel* of organizations selected from the Growth in Giving Database of 400 million transactions from more than 38,000 organizations since 2005.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Donors: Time Series

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

  • Overall rate of growth in donors: net of gains minus losses in number of donors from last year to this year divided by total number of donors up to this time last year.

Key Insights




  • Despite the year-over-year (YOY) increase in dollars donated, the number of donors decreased by 1.3% (±1.5%) compared to 2023 Q1 after adjusting for late data.

  • The rate of decline in the number of donors is plateauing from the -10.3% drop we saw in 2023, indicating a potential future increase in number of donors.



  • On a month-by-month basis, the current year's change in donors closely resemble the trend observed in 2023.



NOTE: The panel for each year differs based on our panel rules (stable organizations over the past 3 years w/ $5K - $25M received in the prior year, via the Growth in Giving database). This ensures consistent historical data & avoids biasing past results by filtering on future data.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Donors by Donor Size

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

  • Donor size: the grouping of donors by giving levels (dollar ranges) using donors’ year-to-date giving amounts

Key Insights

  • Micro donors ($1-100), who constitute 59.3% of all donors, show the biggest relative drop
    (-10.4%) in donor numbers, with the other size categories seeing more modest decreases ranging
    from -5.2% to -0.8%
  • The drop in micro donors accounts for nearly three-quarters of the topline decrease in donors.
  • This continues a similar year-over-year decline seen in 2023 Q1, where small donors decreased
    by -14% in number, the largest drop among all donor size categories.

($1 - $100)

YOY Change
($101 - $500)

YOY Change
($501 - $5K)

YOY Change
($5K - $50K)

YOY Change

YOY Change

% of total donors

% of total donors

% of total donors

% of total donors

% of total donors
All year-over-year (YOY) changes are computed on year-to-date (YTD) totals. Donor size segments were chosen to span both dollars and donors, with each segment representing 1-50% of the total. Estimates for late data only apply to top-line donors, dollars, and retention. Thus, these more granular breakdowns underestimate year-over-year growth.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Donors by Life Cycle

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

  • Donor Life Cycle: the grouping of donors based on when they were last seen in the dataset

Key Insights

  • The significant decline in new and new retained donors (-10.3% and -12.1% YOY, respectively) suggests continued challenges in acquiring and maintaining growth in first-time contributors.
  • Repeat retained donors, constituting 50.4% of all donors, also experienced a -6.5% decline in donor numbers, contributing to nearly 40% of the topline decrease in total donors. This indicates a need to enhance ongoing engagement with regular supporters.


YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

% of total donors

% of total donors

% of total donors

% of total donors
NEW DONORS - never gave to this organization before.
NEW RETAINED DONORS - gave last year to the organization, but never before.
REPEAT RETAINED DONORS - gave last year to the organization, but not for the first time.
RECAPTURED DONORS - did not give last year to the organization, but had given in the past.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Donor by Donation Count

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

  • Donor Donation Counts: the grouping of donors based on how many times they've made a donation

Key Insights

  • Donors who contributed once this year constitute 65.8% of total donors and exhibit the largest YOY decline of -8.9%, contributing to nearly 75% of the topline decrease in donors.
  • The number of donors making 3-6 donations (comprising 22.5% of total donors) decreased by -7.3% YOY, suggesting a notable drop in mid-frequency donor retention.


YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

% of total donors

% of total donors

% of total donors

% of total donors
Donation count segments were selected to best illustrate the distribution of total donors and dollars across the giving spectrum. A donor's donation count includes all contributions made year-to-date.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Dollars: Time Series

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

  • Overall rate of growth in dollars: net of gains minus losses in money from fundraising from last year to this year divided by total dollars raised up to this time last year

Key Insights




  • While initial results showed a -3.9% decrease in fundraising dollars, after adjusting for delays in data reporting we estimate fundraising dollars to have increase 4.1% compared to last year.
  • This estimated increase in fundraising dollars indicates a potential reversal of the downward trend that began in 2020.



  • Breaking from the previous two years, fundraising dollars saw a slow start at the beginning of the year, while picking up momentum in February and March.



Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Dollars by Donor Size

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

  • Dollars by donor size: the segmentation of dollars based on the size of an individuals total contributions, year-to-date

Key Insights

  • Despite representing only 0.2% of all donors and experiencing a modest year-over-year
    decline of -2.9%, supersize donors were the largest contributors to the pre-adjusted topline
    decrease in dollars, accounting for nearly half of the total dollars raised.
  • Mirroring a trend we have seen since 2022, the smallest donors have consistently seen
    double-digit decreases in total dollars raised in Q1, indicating less engagement from smaller
    donors during the beginning of the year.

($1 - $100)

YOY Change
($101 - $500)

YOY Change
($501 - $5K)

YOY Change
($5K - $50K)

YOY Change

YOY Change

% of total dollars

% of total dollars

% of total dollars

% of total dollars

% of total dollars
Donor size is computed on a donor’s total year-to-date dollars given.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Dollars by Life Cycle

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

  • Dollars by donor size: the segmentation of dollars based on when the associated donor was last seen in the dataset, year-to-date

Key Insights

  • Q1 saw a decrease in dollars across all donor groups, with the largest drop observed in new-retained and repeat-retained donors (-4.5% and -5.1%, respectively).
  • Despite the negative trend, dollar amounts have stabilized compared to 2023, with dollars donated by new donors decreasing by only 1.9% in Q1 2024 compared to 34.4% in the same quarter last year.
  • Because repeat-retained donors account for 59.4% of total dollars raised, the 5.1% decrease in funds raised by this group accounts for 78.8% of the total decrease in dollars given in Q1.
  • The modest -1.9% YOY decline in dollars from new donors, despite a decrease in the number of donors, suggests that the organization is attracting higher-dollar contributions from new donors.


YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

% of total dollars

% of total dollars

% of total dollars

% of total dollars
NEW DONORS - never gave to this organization before.
NEW RETAINED DONORS - gave last year to the organization, but never before.
REPEAT RETAINED DONORS - gave last year to the organization, but not for the first time.
RECAPTURED DONORS - did not give last year to the organization, but had given in the past.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Dollars by Donation Count

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

  • Dollars by donation count: the grouping of dollars based on how many times the associated donor made a donation

Key Insights

  • Even though the one-time donors accounted for 59.3% of donors, they only contributed 41.8% of the total dollars donated.
  • Donors who give 7 or more times represent 6.3% of total dollars but positively influence the topline change in dollars by 0.2%, demonstrating the increasing importance of frequent donors in overall growth.


YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

% of total dollars

% of total dollars

% of total dollars

% of total dollars
Donation count segments were selected to best illustrate the distribution of total donors and dollars across the giving spectrum. A donor's donation count includes all contributions made year-to-date.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Retention Rate: Time Series

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

Key Insights




  • Retention decreased by 4.0% in Q4, but after adjusting for late data, we estimate the fall to be 3.0% (± 0.5%) in Q1 compared to 2023.

  • Despite the 2.3% increase seen in Q1 2023, retention reverts to a downward trend in Q1 2024.



  • Unlike the two years prior (where retention rates start high in January and taper off), donor retention in 2024 Q1 has been relatively stable and hovers around -3.0%.



RETENTION - Retention is computed year-to-date. It represents – out of the people who donated last year – the ratio of people who donated again this year year-to-date.

Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Retention Rate: Donor Type

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

Key Insights

  • The new donor retention rate dropped by -7.6%, retaining only 7.2% of new donors, underscoring the difficulty in keeping first-time contributors engaged.
  • The recapture rate saw a significant decline of -16.8%, but given the small base, this translates to a nominal percentage point change of less than 1%. This highlights a major challenge in re-engaging past donors, though the overall impact on the donor base is relatively small.


YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

retained YTD

retained YTD

retained YTD
NEW DONORS - Never gave to this organization before.
REPEAT DONORS - Donors who gave last year to the organization, and were not new last year.
RECAPTURED DONORS - Donors who did not give last year to the organization, but had given in the past.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Retention Rate by Donor Size

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

Key Insights

  • All donor size segments experienced similar decreases in donor retention compared to Q1 2023.
  • Supersize donors experienced the smallest drop in retention rate, while the largest decrease in
    retention was concentrated among small, midsize and major donors.
  • Compared to Q1 2023, the fall in retention rates is larger for all segments except supersize donors.
  • Unlike previous quarters, the retention rate for major donors does not follow the usual trend of
    increasing with donor size. This deviation highlights a unique challenge in retaining major donors
    compared to other segments this quarter.

($1 - $100)

YOY Change
($101 - $500)

YOY Change
($501 - $5K)

YOY Change
($5K - $50K)

YOY Change

YOY Change

retained YTD

retained YTD

retained YTD

retained YTD

retained YTD
Donor size segments were chosen to span both dollars and donors, with each segment representing 1-50% of the total.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Retention Rate by Donation Count

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

Key Insights

  • Despite having the highest retention rates, the most active donors saw the largest declines in retention.
  • The decrease in topline retention is driven primarily by one-time donors, who constitute nearly two-thirds of donors and showed a 4.5% decrease in retention.


YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

YOY Change

retained YTD

retained YTD

retained YTD

retained YTD
Donation count segments were selected to best illustrate the distribution of total donors and dollars across the giving spectrum. A donor's donation count includes all contributions made year-to-date.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Organization Size Impact: Splits

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

Key Insights

  • Organizations of all sizes - except those raising less than $100K and those raising between $250K and $1M - saw their average fundraising performance decrease.
  • The increase in fundraising performance for the smallest organizations is likely driven by a few outliers that have performed very well in Q1 2024, demonstrating an increased variance in fundraising performance among the smallest organizations.
  • When we consider the median organization, fundraising values have actually fallen for the smallest organizations.
  • Organizations within the largest size-bracket experienced the largest average decrease in dollars raised. This trend parallels the results from Q1 2023.

% DOLLAR GROWTH (MEAN) - Year-over-year dollar growth for organizations, grouped by an organization's budget size. Trends in the mean are more informative of the sector as a whole.

% DOLLAR GROWTH (MEDIAN) - The median year-over-year dollar growth for organizations, grouped by an organization's budget size. Trends in the median are more indicative of a typical organization's fundraising experience.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


Organization Cause: Split

Year-to-Date Nonprofit Sector Trends
Q1 2024 (JAN 1, 2024 - MAR 31, 2024)

Key Insights

  • Despite constituting 3.5% of total dollars, the International, Foreign Affairs cause category saw the largest YOY increase (9.6%), which is likely attributed to aid and relief campaigns caused by international conflicts.
  • While overall funds increased, the median amount raised per organization decreased, suggesting that most International, Foreign Affairs organizations performed worse, with a small fraction performing exceptionally well.
  • Conversely, the Public, Societal Benefit cause category saw a modest decline (6%), with median funding per organization rose significantly, indicating most organizations experienced large increases, with only a few doing poorly.
  • The Unknown/Unclassified cause area saw a significant drop of -26.4%, primarily due to a disproportionately large number of organizations in this category not reporting data for Q1 2024. When considering only those organizations that fundraised in both years, the decrease is a more moderate -13.6%.

% DOLLAR GROWTH (MEAN) - Year-over-year dollar growth for all organizations of this NTEE major group. More informative about the sector as a whole.

% DOLLAR GROWTH (MEDIAN) - The median year-over-year dollar growth across each organization of this NTEE major group. More indicative of a typical organization's fundraising experience.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.


The Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP) — first established in 2006 — is administered jointly by the Association of Fundraising Professionals and GivingTuesday. The Growth in Giving database is the world’s largest public record of donation activity, with more than 400 million donation transactions, and is continuously updated by top fundraising software partners. The FEP offers quarterly views of the current year’s fundraising data in aggregate, serving as a benchmark for nonprofit executives, development staff, and researchers to examine key fundraising and donor metrics. For more information about how you or your fundraising software provider can participate, please visit https://afpglobal.org/.


We removed organizations that did not have a minimum of 25 donations and $5,000 in revenue in each of the previous three years. We removed organizations at either tail of the revenue growth curve. If revenue growth was more than 300% or less than -66% in any of the past three years, organizations were removed. We also excluded individual contributions above $10M. We weighted our data by organization size and NTEE major group to make it reflective of 2018 IRS filers in the $5K - $25M range of contributions. In 2018, there were 222K IRS filers in this contributions range and passing our growth and size filters, making this report representative of 3.9% of the total relevant filers. Details regarding estimation methodology for late reported data can be found here.


The FEP wouldn't be possible without data. These software providers make the collection of data in support of the project possible.
The FEP wouldn't be possible without data analysis and additional support provided by Bonterra.
Year-to-date Fundraising Performance. All right reserved.