GivingTuesday Mexico

Working with regional transactional data
This research hub is a collaborative space for GivingTuesday country leaders from Mexico to securely access and process transactional data related to donations made in Mexico in the context of Giving Tuesday. It is intended to support these leaders as they direct and conduct research that will reveal trends, assist in benchmarking, and inform decision-makers as they seek to determine best practices, encourage giving, and generate new insights.
Initial projects include a datathon in which participants are challenged to use their creativity and data science skills to build, test, and explore solutions.
Contact Kelsey Kramer at [email protected] to discuss your needs!
Data and resources available in the project space
- GivingTuesday transactional data for Mexico
- A dashboard that presents useful results and metrics around GivingTuesday awareness, participation, and motivation levels, by country, year and event
Data Commons Questions and Access
Want to find out more about the GivingTuesday Data Commons? Have questions about accessing this or any other
GivingTuesday Platform project space? Send us an email at [email protected].
If you already have a username and password, the Data Commons can be accessed by logging in here: